Beginning to learn Adobe After Effects
To begin the creative endeavour that this blog will be documenting, I have tasked myself with becoming familiar with Adobe’s After Effects program. I began this first step with finding a tutorial by Instagram digital artist Klarens Malluta, found @klarenns. This tutorial specifically operates within After Effects and teaches the student how to work with build in effects, animating the effects and applying colour to it.
I made 3 variations of this effect, playing with the colour in each. I then took the animations in to Adobe Premiere to play with blending modes over the top of an image of different sculptures. A still shot of one of the animations is displayed below as video format is not supported.
This tutorial was valuable in helping me become accustomed to the primary areas of After Effects, being the “effects & presets” and “effect control” panels. Something I learned from this tutorial was the use of the key frames in the effect control panel to control an effects behaviour over time, such as gradually changing the speed of an animation gradually between two key frames.
The tutorial can be found on Skillshare following this link.
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